Kristen Nagle - Co-Founder of CFLN

Registered Nurse BScN, RHN 
From Frontline Healthcare Worker to the Frontlines of Freedom. Kristen Nagle has had a very busy two years. A dedicated nurse of 14 years, primarily in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, she has taken on a new role of activism and Health Care advocacy, after being terminated from her position as a RN for speaking up against the narrative. Realizing the immense harms public health measures were having on the public. She is the cofounder of Canadian Frontline Nurses who’s mission is to advocate for medical freedom, unite nurses, educate the public and bring ethics back into healthcare. Her background in Holistic Nutrition has helped her understand conventional medicine as well as whole body wellness that incorporates the mind, body and spirit to uncover the root cause of illness. Kristen is a dedicated mother and homeschool teacher to her family in Ontario. This drives her passion for children's health as she empowers families as live a more natural life in harmony with the Earth.
On April 25, 2021 I was invited to Easter Sunday mass at The Church of God by Pastor Henry Hildebrandt.

I was joined by Randy Hillier, Vincent Gircys and Derek Sloan.

It was a beautiful service and one that will forever hold a special place in my heart. What an honour to be asked to come to the front and stand next to these men also speaking out against the tyrannical mandates.

I was issued a summons (1 of 11), for attending this church service. In  August Elgin County attempted to have a trial against me in my absence. I was never contacted or made aware of a set trial date despite trying to communicate with the prosecutor. 

Through divine intervention I was made aware of the trial happening and was able to join while evidence was being given against me. It was decided a mistrial and rescheduled.

On September 22nd, I stood in my own private capacity as a woman and was convicted guilty for going against the RAO and fined 10k for attending church, as in their words "I was not just a participant, but leading the way."

I stand on my word I did nothing wrong, am not guilty and caused no harm against anyone. But here we are, where they acknowledge our rights and freedoms have been infringed upon, but with reasonable cause that infringement is allowed. Define reasonable cause? Is there a definition? How vague can this be and what doors does this open to allow more of our rights and freedoms to be trampled because "they say so."

This is not the end. I will be appealing the conviction and charge. I will not allow their bullying tactics to break me or damper my spirit. I trust in God that he uses all situations to bring light and glory to His name and vindication will come.

Here we are Canada, where you can be charged 10k for attending church. No other charges have been made against anyone else in attendance as of yet.

Thank you for your support,